Computer Bay Drive Drawer

I thought of this and made it a while back, and I just thought of sharing it. So basically, many people have extra 5 1/4” drive bays on their computers (the slots where the CD-ROM drives go in) I have four; there is an external display, a cd writer a dvd burner, and one extra. So one day I got an idea of what to do with it. I turned it into a storage compartement, with s ome carboard, tape, contsruction paper, and glue. 🙂

*note: i took off the extra pictures because they wasted space, leave a comment if you need help making it.

So first you have to figure out how the plastic cover on yours comes off. Usually you can pry it off with something thin. Behind it there should be a a nice space. This is what I did. I got a piece of cardboard and cut it and taped it so it became a box, without a top of a front. It had to be small enough to fit in the space. Then i cut the clip thingies inside the plastic cover so it wouldn’t get stuck if i put it back in. After that, i used rubber cement to stick the plastic cover to the front of the box, where there was no cardboard. Then i got a piece of nice construction paper and glued it inside the box so it looks nice. Now you can stick the whole box into the space again. It should look the same as before, but there’s a box behind it. It might be a little difficult to open, because there’s no handle. I didn’t put one on mine because my case closes and if there was a handle it wouldn’t be able to. But surely if you need it, you could probably figure out how to make one on your own.. right?

Now you have a storage compartment in your computer, so you can have quick and easy acces to anything you need. I keep some audio/video cables and a usb wire in mine. You can use it to keep cd’s in, too. Mine fits 5 slim jewel cases and like 20 paper cases.

Or you can use it as a secret hidden compartment, for jewelry or money =P.

I don’t think it’s good for guns though.. mine wouldn’t fit.

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