Carbon-Fiber Briefcase Makeover
I know many viewers prefer looking at pictures over reading paragraphs, so I’ll try to keep this brief. When travelling for magic shows I usually keep my equipment and props in a briefcase. Unfortunately after a few years of travelling and lugging around my stuff, my briefcase broke apart. I found an older Briefcase we had lying around which was in great condition from the inside, but didn’t look so great from the outside. So instead of spending $100 on a new one, I thought I would try to “renovate” the one we already had. Since it would be difficult to paint over the glossy surface, I decided to use my new favorite material – Carbon Fiber vinyl. I’m quite happy with the final product! In addition to looking and feeling like a brand new briefcase, its totally unique!
- Before:
- After:
Posted in Stuff and tagged amasingh, carbon, case, custom, fiber, magic, magician, vskwith no comments yet.
Carbon Fiber Wallet
Having served me well over 2 years, the VSK Clay Wallet was finally nearing the end of its life cycle. Therefore, I once again set out on a quest to find the successor of my personal VSK wallet line; what material would be worthy?
Ah yes, Carbon Fiber.
Inspired by the designs on my car, I ordered some Carbon Fiber textured adhesive vinyl. This material, being very thin, needed some sort of stronger skeleton underneath. Naturally, I chose playing cards ( being a magician and all.) The card stock base combined with a carbon fiber overlay resulted in a wallet that was extremely thin, light, and sturdy. With the experience of many wallets behind me, I was able to plan the construction such that the wallet would be virtually seamless. I have to say this is probably my most favorite and “cleanest looking” wallet to date. Without further ado, here it is:
Posted in Stuff and tagged cards, custom, vsk, walletswith no comments yet.
Cell Phone Dock/Stand
I thought it would be cool to have some sort of dock/stand for my phone at work so that I could easily see my notifications without looking down on it flat on my desk. It would great if this could charge at the same time too. I found a few online that I could buy but as you may know, I prefer making things myself. I enjoy the actual designing and building part and you get something unique (not to mention the money you save).
So I went through my box of junk and supplies and brainstormed a few design and material ideas, and I finally came up with this. The structure is made up of spare electronics parts and does a great job of holding my phone up at a good angle. There is enough space so that the micro-usb cable can still be connected so it can charge at the same time. I added some small foam pieces at the bottom so that it doesn’t slip when I use the phone while its in the dock.
The VSK logo in the middle is actually an NFC chip which the phone detects when it comes really close to it. I can set it up to do certain tasks when I put the phone in the dock, like change my ringer to silent, turn wifi on, etc. In this video I had it set to change all my settings for work and say “Welcome to work, VSK”.
Posted in Stuff and tagged custom, vskwith 2 comments.
Custom Tablet Case
I made this about a year ago too, but for some reason never put it up then. Last summer we bought an android tablet but unfortunately it did not come with a case. Since it wasn’t a name-brand tablet, it was hard to find cases made specially for it. I didn’t want to spend money and get something that didn’t even fit properly, so I decided to just make my own. I bought this thin foam like sheet from Michaels for less than a dollar and cut it out to make the pieces. Then I just taped them together from the inside and sewed them together by hand from the outside using a nylon-like thread. This made sure that it all stayed together and looked nice. Here is the process and the final product:
Posted in Stuff and tagged case, custom, vskwith no comments yet.