Carbon-Fiber Briefcase Makeover
I know many viewers prefer looking at pictures over reading paragraphs, so I’ll try to keep this brief. When travelling for magic shows I usually keep my equipment and props in a briefcase. Unfortunately after a few years of travelling and lugging around my stuff, my briefcase broke apart. I found an older Briefcase we had lying around which was in great condition from the inside, but didn’t look so great from the outside. So instead of spending $100 on a new one, I thought I would try to “renovate” the one we already had. Since it would be difficult to paint over the glossy surface, I decided to use my new favorite material – Carbon Fiber vinyl. I’m quite happy with the final product! In addition to looking and feeling like a brand new briefcase, its totally unique!
- Before:
- After:
Posted in Stuff and tagged amasingh, carbon, case, custom, fiber, magic, magician, vskwith no comments yet.
Magic Shows
To celebrate 1 year of and the start of’s 7th year, I thought I’d share some pictures from my performances in 2012 ( and maybe a few from 2011).
Posted in Events and tagged amasingh, amazingh, chris angel, copperfield, david blaine, illusionist, khalsa, magic, magician, sikhwith no comments yet.
Magic Show Pictures
I haven’t posted any pictures from my past few magic shows, so here are a some of my 2008 performances.
Posted in Events and tagged magic, pictureswith 1 comment.