Light-up Waheguru Display Piece
I realized that haven’t posted much stuff this year as compared to previous years, probably because it was my final year at university and I was really busy. I recently found a bunch of old stuff that I created years ago but never posted. I’m not sure why, probably because they were small things or didn’t seem impressive enough to me to deserve their own post.. or I just never got around to it. Anyways, its cool to look back on those things now and I thought I’d share some of them.
I probably made this back in 2006/07 ( you can tell from the quality of the pictures). I was still excited about the whole light up plexiglass idea (see Plexiglass LED Table) , and I tried to cut a small piece of it and etch/scratch/engrave “Waheguru” on it in gurmukhi. It was pretty hard and I didn’t do a very good job, which is probably why I didn’t post it then. I added an LED light under it with a battery and switch. Then I used some cardboard and electric tape to make sort of a base/stand for the whole thing. One thing I was really proud of at the time was that there was a little hinged door thing on the side so that you could slide out the battery and replace it, I thought this was pretty cool- rather than having to take all the electrical tape off every time. I still have this in my room. It doesn’t really serve any function besides looking cool.. and reminding you about Waheguru, of course
———————–UPDATE————————- 10/30/2012————————-
I took another look at this and realized it was different from the pictures I posted. I must have worked on it some more in between the time that I actually made it years ago and now. I guess it was long enough ago that I forgot. At some point I went over the ‘scratched’ Waheguru with another tool to make it more rounded and smooth. So now it actually looks like this:
Posted in Stuff and tagged LED, plexiglasswith 2 Comments.